Sunday, September 6, 2009

The cure for stress is not pills but saying 'No'

The Independent:

Janet Street-Porter

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Belatedly, the Government has announced that, along with alcohol and cigarettes, another highly popular and legal way of dealing with modern life's little difficulties is to be sold with a prominent health warning. All painkillers that contain codeine will be available from next year only in packs of 32, and the packaging will prominently state "Can cause addiction. For three days' use only".

What makes the human being become so dependent from drugs? Comfort? Or is it their own idiosyncracy, or their subconscious, that compel them to obey what they hear from supposedly well informed sources? Doctors and Chemists have much to do with our tendencies to adopt drugs as the only remedy for our ills. We have had porcine flu now as an example. The world is upside down because of announcements made by Health Authorities that "A" flu is more or less the last plague in our lives, something like God's flail for our sins. Whereas the "other" flu - that happening every day every year - kills thousands, hundreds of thousands, this one has become the focus of every government in every country on Earth. Why?

The answer is easy. Many commentators have proposed that it is really a hoax to make governments spend in pharmaceuticals. And I think they are not very much wrong.

What happens with stress, then? Why are we advised by doctors and other health professionals to use pills to fight stress?

In my opinion it is all a question of education, of people being well aware how their ills can be suppressed by means other than medicines, and this is something that might start since we are mere children. To that effect parents should be warned no to unduly give their children medicines that will only cause an addiction for life which is more dangerous than the very illness that is treated.

And I am not only referring to the drugs that are deemed addictive, I am referring to all kinds of medicines: aspirins, anaelgesics, etc. Medicines should be left as the last resource to heal a human being.

But it is clear this recommendation of mine will not be received with a smile by the multinational Pharmaceuticals.


  1. How are you my dear friend?. I miss your wise posts in this most interesting page. I hope that you and your wife and family are OK and I will remain checking daily your blog. Hugs. Víctor.

  2. Thank you, Victor. Laziness is the word to the lack of activity. Laziness after the flu took over our apartment, now happily gone year?

  3. Hello José,
    Thanks a lot for your comment on P.F.J.'s (Pierre) post about me, I've just discovered his nice article about me and my paintings and I'm very touched ... and since we didn't know each other, I was very surprised to see that you'd visited my new blog and I really appreciate . I've always been into writing, but painting is a real new experience for me .
    About your article, I totally agree with you of course . Especially about the hoax of governments to make multinational Pharmaceuticals "grow" . But it's our responsability not to be blind since consciousness of these problems is just everyone's problem . Another problem is that to get rid off drugs is really difficult once it's "too late" - I mean when you've become kind of an addict to some of them - "thanks" to doctors who managed to convince you about the necessity to take them ( in my case due to anorexia for 25 years, but I sure didn't need some of these drugs ... ).
    Sorry for this long comment but this is my first step in your universe and it's very interesting . Thanks again, maybe we'll be in touch again soon ... Sincerely yours .
    Liza Peninon
